How To Recognize Symptoms of a Heart Attack in Women

How To Recognize Symptoms of a Heart Attack in Women

A heart attack or myocardial infarction can happen due to a variety of coronary artery diseases that can block the arteries inside the heart. However, in some cases, heart attacks can also be caused due to certain infections, coronary artery spasms, and Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD). Elderly men and women are more likely to experience these attacks but it can also affect people of younger age. If you experience any signs of heart attack then without any delay you must contact a reputed cardiologist in Siliguri who can give you immediate care and treatment. 

While discussing heart attacks, you must note that men and women experience different symptoms. In most cases, women are less likely to survive a heart attack as compared to men since most of the symptoms experienced by a woman are unusual and silent. It is also essential for you to understand that it is more common among women to experience certain symptoms of a heart attack several weeks after actually having the attack. Henceforth, if you have a proper understanding of the common symptoms of the attack then you can avail of treatment early which can also help you to prevent the heart attack. 

Common symptoms of heart attack experienced by women

  • Shortness of breath 
Breathlessness or shortness of breath may occur even in the absence of any chest pain among women. This is a typical heart attack symptom that may have you feeling like you're about to pass out. You should be aware that even when you're sitting still or doing mild physical activity, you could feel like you're running out of breath. 

This symptom may also accompany chest pain, which may cause you to sweat a lot. An experienced cardiologist should be consulted right away if shortness of breath and chest pain appear at the same time and don't go away even after ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Chest pain 
Chest pain or discomfort is one of the main signs of a heart attack that is experienced by both men and women. Herein, women frequently experience excruciating discomfort that originates in the middle of their chest in the majority of situations. This ache may be present for a few minutes, go away, and then return later. 

Most women describe this discomfort as an abrupt sensation of constriction, painful pressure, squeezing, or tightness in the chest. The discomfort in the chest may start out mildly and gradually intensify, radiating across the arms, shoulders, face, and breastbone. However, you must note that there can also be some women who can experience a heart attack without chest pain. 
  • Stomach ache
Most of the time, the most disregarded indication of a heart attack among women is stomach discomfort which may include sudden aching. Most women who have heartburn or indigestion tend to disregard it as a common digestive issue and rely on over-the-counter drugs or homemade cures. 

Disregarding these symptoms, however, may cause the course of therapy to be delayed because gastrointestinal problems are thought to be the most prevalent precursor to a heart attack in elderly women. Go to the hospital right away and consult with the top heart specialist in Siliguri for a thorough examination and treatment if you experience any abnormal stomach ache along with vomiting and nausea.  
  • Pain in the jaw, arm, and back 
A heart attack in a woman can induce chronic discomfort not only in the chest but also in other places of the body. The pain might progressively extend across your upper body, starting from your back and upper belly and ending in your shoulders, teeth, and neck. 

The pain in the chest usually begins in the left arm and travels down to the lower chest area most of the time. It should be noted that women have upper back pain from heart attacks more frequently than men. Just like chest pain, this pain can also start gradually and then become intense which can also wake you up from sleep. 
  • Fatigue 
If a woman is having a heart attack, then she may also become fatigued. It's important for you to be aware that this symptom, which causes fatigue or exhaustion without apparent cause, can be hard to identify in women. Your heart exerts additional pressure to pump blood through the clogged areas, which is the main source of this tiredness. 

You should be aware that exhaustion and shortness of breath are the early indicators of a heart attack and might appear even months before one would normally expect one. Recall that reporting this early warning symptom to the doctor can save you from an upcoming heart attack. 
  • Sweating 
Sweating more than usual is another warning sign of a heart attack among women. Clogged arteries might create cold sweats even when you're not exercising because it will put additional strain on your heart to pump blood.

The extra effort may also tend to raise your body temperature, which is another reason why unexpected cold sweats may occur in order to maintain body temperature. Women who are having a heart attack can experience night sweats as well, which might interfere with their ability to sleep. This is why it is always recommended to get checked out by a cardiologist if you’re sweating which may feel like stress-related sweating. 
  • Light-headedness
Another symptom that might be induced by a heart attack among women is dizziness or light-headedness. Women who have experienced an attack also frequently report experiencing this sign. People usually fear that if they overdo anything or stand for an extended amount of time, they will pass out. 

This may seem rather normal at first, but it could be a serious warning indication of a heart attack, thus it should be reported right away to a cardiologist. It's common to feel this symptom either before or after chest pain. In some cases, this is the only noticeable symptom of heart attack in women who don’t suffer from chest discomfort. 
  • Weakness 
A heart attack can also result in weakness in the arms, legs, or face, similar to a stroke's symptoms. One of the main causes of heart attack is thought to be a blockage in the coronary artery, which can result in limited blood flow throughout the body. 

This problem may be the primary cause of the weakness where you can also feel shaky. It should be noted that in certain areas of your body, this numbness might also seem like a tingling or prickling feeling that may develop gradually. Some women may also experience light-headedness, anxiety, and dizziness along with weakness. 

To prevent heart attacks, it is vital to recognize the early signs and consult a cardiologist in Siliguri periodically. Routine cardiac check-ups are highly advised for post-menopausal women as they are more likely to suffer from a heart attack due to low estrogen levels.       

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