15 Common Signs of Heart Disease Everyone Should Know

15 Common Signs of Heart Disease Everyone Should Know

The rates of heart disease are increasing day by day and the main enemy behind it is our improper lifestyle. Starting from less physical activity and stress to an unhealthy diet and not getting proper sleep, there can be various factors associated with heart issues that may impact your daily life. There can be a range of disorders that may impair your heart and the overall functioning of your cardiovascular system. It is vital to contact a reputed cardiologist in Siliguri immediately to resolve the heart issues so that their impact on your heart can be minimized. 

You may now wonder how I should recognize that I am suffering from heart disease. Herein, it is important to note that chest pain is not only the sole symptom of heart issues there can also be various other signs that you may have ignored by thinking of a normal health problem. This guide about the common signs of heart issues will help you to navigate your risks of developing heart disease so that urgent medical help can be accessed. Remember that not all heart problems showcase clear symptoms which makes it essential to get checked out by an expert if you’re not sure.

Explore The Common Heart Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Light-headedness
Dizziness or light-headedness is one of the most common symptoms that may be brought on by a range of heart diseases. This is mainly common among women who have experienced a heart attack. Most of the time, individuals fear that if they expend too much energy or stand still for too long, they may pass out. Usually, this light-headedness may precede or follow sudden chest pain. 

2. Chest discomfort 
Any discomfort or pain in the chest is one of the main signs of heart issues. Most of the time, patients have excruciating pain that originates in the middle of their chest. This ache may last for a few minutes, then subside, only to return later. The majority of patients describe this pain as an abrupt start of tightness, painful pressure, or chest squeezing, which then spreads to the arms, shoulders, face, and breastbone.

3. Shortness of breath 
Breathing difficulties or shortness of breath might occur even in the absence of chest discomfort. This is another typical symptom of heart issues that might make you feel as though you're about to pass out. This symptom may also be accompanied by chest pain and a lot of sweating. You need to visit the best heart specialist hospital near you right once if these symptoms don't go away.

4. Fatigue 
Fatigue can also occur in those who are having a heart attack or other heart issues. You should be aware that this symptom can leave you feeling worn out or drained for no apparent cause. The main reason for fatigue is the increased pressure your heart exerts to pump blood through the clogged regions. It is important to remember that exhaustion and dyspnea are the early warning indicators of a heart attack, and they might appear even months before the attack occurs. 

5. Irregular heartbeat 
Feeling as though your heartbeat has skipped a beat can potentially be a sign of an irregular pulse or heart palpitations. Pounding or intense throbbing can also be brought on by abnormalities in your heart's rhythm. You should be aware that your body beats regularly and that irregularities in it may be brought on by various heart issues that need immediate medical attention. 

6. Heartburn and indigestion 
In most cases, the commonly ignored symptom of heart disease is stomach discomfort or indigestion which may also cause heartburn. Most people who have heartburn or indigestion tend to disregard it as a typical food-related problem and rely on over-the-counter drugs or homemade cures. Disregarding these symptoms, however, may cause the course of therapy to be delayed because gastrointestinal problems are thought to be the most prevalent indication of a heart attack in the elderly. 

7. Pain spreading to your arms, back, and jaw 
A heart issue can result in chronic pain throughout your body, not just in your chest. Everywhere in your upper body, from your shoulders to your teeth to your neck and jaws, the discomfort may progressively expand. Most of the time, the pain in the chest begins in the left arm and moves down to the lower chest areas. Note that women are more likely than men to experience upper back pain following a heart attack.

8. Excessive sweating 
Excessive sweating is another red flag of a heart issue. Even in the absence of physical activity, blocked arteries can induce cold chills because they increase the amount of force your heart must exert to pump blood. Sometimes, women who have had a heart attack could also experience night sweats, which can interfere with their ability to sleep.

9. Swollen ankles and legs 
When your heart doesn’t pump blood properly, it can go back to the veins causing abnormal fluid build-up. This fluid accumulation can cause symptoms of swelling in the legs and ankles. This indicates that if you experience swollen ankles then you must consider it as one of the contributing symptoms of heart issues and visit a reputed cardiologist in Siliguri. 

10. Snoring 
It is normal for people to snore while sleeping. However, in certain conditions, this can be a symptom of heart issues. While snoring, your breathing gets obstructed which can lead to a significant drop in normal oxygen levels and cause a sudden rise in blood pressure and heart rate. These abnormalities that you may experience due to obstructive sleep apnea can increase your likelihood of developing severe cardiovascular conditions.

11. Persistent wheezing or coughing
One typical sign associated with a heart attack is abnormal fluid accumulation. This explains why you could begin to have severe wheezing and a persistent, phlegm-filled cough. Wheezing is a serious medical emergency that needs to be treated right away since it may be a key symptom of a heart attack. Herein, the accumulation of fluid can also make breathing extremely difficult, even after receiving treatment. 

12. Numbness
Heart disease can also result in weakness or numbness in the arms, legs, or face, similar to a stroke's symptoms. One of the main causes of heart attacks is thought to be a blockage in the coronary artery, which can result in limited blood flow throughout the body. This problem may be the primary cause of the left arm numbness. 

13. Weight fluctuations 
It is also quite common for people suffering from heart issues to witness a sudden increase in their weight. This weight gain may happen within just a couple of days due to the abnormal fluid accumulation in the body. On the other hand, just like weight gain, weight loss can also be associated with heart diseases which mainly happen due to reduced blood flow from the heart to the stomach. 

14. Impaired thinking 
A failing heart can abruptly reduce blood circulation towards the brain, which can lead to the symptoms of impaired thinking or confusion. This symptom is more common among middle-aged people suffering from cardiovascular conditions. Additionally, this cognitive decline associated with heart issues can also be common among people above 60 years. 

15. Fever                                 
If you’re experiencing heart failure then initially you may start developing mild to severe flu-like symptoms which may include chills and fever. In most cases, we often ignore this symptom by thinking of it as a seasonal flu but if the fever is also accompanied by loss of appetite, breathing disturbances, and fatigue then it can be heart-related. You must note that certain heart infections can also cause this symptom. 

If you experience any of these symptoms for a longer period then book an appointment with a renowned cardiologist in Siliguri immediately. Initially, the doctor will perform various diagnostic tests such as ECG, MRI, cardiac CT scan, EKG, and stress test to determine the underlying causes of the experienced symptoms. Based on the test results, a patient-centric treatment plan will be tailored. 

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