10 Heart-Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet

10 Heart-Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet

Heart disease has been found to be one of the leading causes of death across the globe. Some of the common heart issues that can interfere with your life quality and cardiovascular functioning are cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, cardiomyopathy, cardiogenic shock, abnormal heart rhythms, and heart failure. If you experience the symptoms of any of these diseases then it is pivotal to contact a reputed cardiologist in Siliguri. 

You must know that along with medications, surgery, and other treatment methods, a heart-healthy diet is also essential to manage heart issues and acquire proper cardiovascular health. The food that you consume has a direct impact on various risk factors for heart diseases such as inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides. This is why you need to be extremely careful about what you eat throughout the day because following an appropriate dietary pattern can contribute hugely to maximizing your overall heart health.

Heart-Healthy Foods That You Must Include in your Daily Diet 

1. Whole grains 
Bran, germ, and endosperm are the three parts of whole grains that are rich in nutrition and effective for your heart health. This is why it is advised to include various types of whole grains in your diet which include brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, barley, buckwheat, and oats. You must also consider swapping products made from refined grains with whole grains because refined grains increase the chances of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. 

2. Leafy green vegetables 
Another superfood for heart health is leafy green vegetables as it is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Including collard greens, spinach, and kale in your regular diet will also fulfil the requirements of vitamin K, which is important for proper blood clotting and artery health. The nitrates present in these veggies can also reduce arterial stiffness and blood pressure while improving the functioning of blood vessels.

3. Fishes and fish oil
Omega-3 fatty acid is an important nutrient for ensuring heart health. You can get vast amounts of this nutrient by consuming fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, tuna, and mackerel. These fishes can protect you from developing high cholesterol, arrhythmias, and systolic blood pressure. Herein, you can consider visiting the best heart specialist hospital in Siliguri to learn about the fish oil options available for you. 

4. Seeds 
Hemp, flax, and chia seeds are some of the best heart-healthy foods that must be eaten on a regular basis to fulfil the body's requirements for omega-3 fatty acids and fibre. Triglycerides, blood pressure, and cholesterol are some of the risk factors that can be controlled with these seeds, which will ultimately reduce the likelihood of developing life-threatening heart complications. 

5. Almonds
Almonds are rich in minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients which can be crucial to ensure heart health. Fibre and monounsaturated fats are the two essential components found in almonds that can act as a protective layer for heart diseases. People suffering from cholesterol and excessive body weight can consume almonds every day to see significant improvements. Measure the portion and include almonds in your diet to keep your heart healthy. 

6. Berries 
Another food that plays a crucial role in heart health is berries such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. You must note that berries are rich in various antioxidants which can protect your heart from inflammation and oxidative stress. The chances of hypertension and heart attack are also reduced significantly by the anthocyanin present in berries. Your vascular function can also be improved with berry consumption. 

7. Beans 
Beans is another heart-healthy food recommended by the cardiologist in Siliguri. The risk factors for heart disease can be controlled by consuming beans that contain a high amount of resistant starch. You can either eat fresh or canned beans to decrease your chances of suffering from elevated LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and poor glycaemic control. People suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular issues together can highly benefit from eating beans.

8. Avocadoes 
Another excellent source of monounsaturated fat which is highly beneficial for your heart is avocadoes. This fruit also has been linked with lower chances of heart disease and cholesterol levels. Not even every day, eating only two servings of avocados for at least 2 days a week can work wonders for your heart. Potassium is another essential component found in avocados which also play a vital role in cardiovascular functioning. 

9. Dark chocolate 
We all love eating chocolates, but do you know that chocolates can be beneficial for your heart? Yes, dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that can boost heart health. If you start consuming dark chocolate every day in moderation then it can contribute to decreased chances of diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke. You must always remember that moderation is the key because dark chocolate is also high in calories and sugar which can negate the healthy properties. 

10. Tomatoes 
Lycopene is an important plant pigment that has great antioxidant properties which can ensure heart health. You can find this antioxidant in great amounts in tomatoes which can prevent inflammation and oxidative damage to your heart. You can increase the intake of tomato products to enhance the levels of lycopene in your body while maintaining the levels of blood pressure and blood lipids. 

Foods You Must Avoid To Sustain Optimal Heart Health 

Just like some foods that can improve your heart health, there are also certain food options that can deteriorate your health by making you prone to develop life-threatening heart issues. Foods with high saturated fat, added sugar, and sodium must be avoided to protect your heart. 

Herein, it is also advised to reduce the consumption of alcohol, processed meat, fatty meat, and processed food to keep cardiovascular diseases at bay. You must remember that a poor diet can be extremely harmful to your heart and can reduce your overall life quality.  

To get a personalized diet plan based on your condition, you can book an appointment with the best cardiologist in Siliguri. There are several eating plans and diets from which the doctor can choose one for your heart health. However, the Mediterranean and the DASH diet have been considered the best diets for better heart health with reduced risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and heart failure.

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